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RinkNet Public Releases
RinkNet Public Releases
RinkNet Software Releases
RinkNet (Team Connect) API

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Retiring October 11, 2024 - Site URL:

Released: September 12, 2024

Version: 2.3.1

What's New

    • Added WIP (Work-In-Progress) and Completed flags to the response of /GetLists
    • Added Timezone information to /GetGames including the standard offset of the timezone and whether the city the game is played in observes daylight savings time

Released: July 18, 2024

Version: 2.3.0

What's New

    • Optimizations to /GetPlayers
    • Add EliteProspects ID and Game Type to /GetPlayerReports

Released: April 30, 2024

Version: 2.2.0

What's New

    • Add /GetTopProspectTypes
    • Add /GetTopProspects

Released: April 17, 2024

Version: 2.1.1

What's New

    • Fixed filtering issues with /GetDraftInfo
    • Top-level JSON tag for output of /GetDraftInfo is now "DraftInfo" instead of "DraftDetails" to match TeamConnect behavior

Released: March 25, 2024

Version: 2.1

What's New

We have released a new version of RNAPI (v2.1) with the following updates:


    • Added DepthChartOrder: string. This value shows the numerical order a player appears in a depth chart tier at their position.
    • Added ProjectedFreeAgentType: {ID: string, Name: string}. This shows what type of free agent the player will be at the end of their current contract.
    • Added ProjectedFreeAgentType: {ID: string, Name: string}. This shows which year the player will be a free agent. This is the first year without a contract rather than the final year of their current contract.


    • Added ProjectedFreeAgentType: {ID: string, Name: string}. This shows what type of free agent the player will be at the end of their current contract.
    • Added ProjectedFreeAgentType: {ID: string, Name: string}. This shows which year the player will be a free agent. This is the first year without a contract rather than the final year of their current contract.

    • Added "Name" field previously in TeamConnect to the League object in the response. This shows the long name of the team's league (ie National Hockey League)

General Updates:

    • Date filters now allow either MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD formats
    • Endpoints involving larger data sets have added a "Page: string" filter. Page: "1" returns the first 2000 records, Page: "2" returns records 2001-4000, etc. Omitting the Page filter will return Page 1

Released: July 26, 2022

Version: 1.11

What's New

    • Added multiple PlayerIDs filter to GetPlayers() endpointAdded.
    • Added GetNZoneReports() endpoint to get Neutral Zone player reports

Released: March 1, 2022

Version: 1.10

What's New

    • Added GetSkaterCurrentStats() and GetGoalieCurrentStats() endpoints